It was rather scary looking at a face with no eyes, it does not explain how to create the eyes in the tutorial. But how hard can it be??

I Simply just some spheres, moved them into the the head and added an "eye" material. But I then realized the eyes looked like something out of a horror film, I did not like this look as it made the face look like a cartoon, distracting the notice away from the head which I had slaved over.

The image above shows my initial go at putting in eyes, I just took a texture from Google of an eye. I did not realize that it was vector art, this meant that it was really shiny and crisp and made it look like my 3D was suffering from pink eye.

I then changed the eyes to a more realistic looking blue version, They still look really quite creepy as I look like a serial killer. But I am on the right track to making the eyes look realistic.

They need to be darkened as they are very bright, as when the face is skinned they will look too bright. This can also be changed when the lighting is added, with shadows.

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